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Seniors Read to Kids at Library in New England

On Sabbatum June 8th, offset at 10 am, the Chelmsford Library is hosting a Human being Library effect. Human libraries promote tolerance and understanding, are a commemoration of multifariousness, and claiming stereotypes and assumptions. A Human Library encourages people from dissimilar backgrounds and experiences to acquire virtually and from one another. Come have a chat with our Human Books, volunteers from our community and beyond, who will be available to share stories about their life experiences.

Register to have a chance to ask questions of, and have a conversation with:

  • A Veteran with PTSD: Mass Casualties/ Civilianized: They say the Army makes a man out of yous, just for xviii-yr-old SPC Michael Anthony, this fabled rite of passage is instead a nighttime and dangerous journey. After obtaining his parents' approving to enlist at seventeen, Anthony begins this journeying with an unshakeable organized religion in the military machine based on his family's long tradition of service. Just when he finds himself in a medical unit of misfits as lost as he is, Anthony not only witnesses firsthand the unspeakable horror of war, he experiences the undeniable misconduct of the military machine. Everything he's e'er believed in dissolves, forcing Anthony to rethink his ideals and ultimately risk his career—and his freedom—to challenge the military that once commanded his loyalty.
    After twelve months of armed services service in Republic of iraq, he stepped off a plane, seemingly happy to be domicile—or at least back on U.South. soil. He was twenty-i years old, a flake of a nerd, and carrying a pack of cigarettes that he thought would be his terminal. Two weeks later, Michael was loftier on Vicodin, boozer and drinking more, and picking a fight with a very large Hell's Angel. At his wit'southward stop, he came to an agreement with himself: If things didn't improve in 3 months, he was going to kill himself. (But in the meantime, he had some dating classes to attend.)
  • A Woman with Bipolar Disorder: Silently Surfing the Waves of Bipolar Disorder: "I've struggled with mental affliction for about of my life but it wasn't until I was diagnosed with Bipolar Ii Disorder last year that I really began to understand the severity of my illness. In hindsight, I can meet symptoms of anxiety in many of my earliest memories and depression throughout my teen years. Yet, I mostly kept my struggles to myself. At outset, I merely didn't realize that others didn't deal with these same issues, that it wasn't normal to exist so nervous and sad all of the time. When I began to realize I was depressed during my undergrad years, I sought assist through therapy and medication. At that place was always this promise that things would become ameliorate–that I would get better. And I would, for a time. Things would exist cracking! And so the tides would turn and I would come crashing dorsum against the shore, soaking moisture and having to commencement all over. How does one accept that, in some respects, at that place is no getting meliorate? Or, if there is a "better," there is also always a "worse" waiting for you?"
  • A man who was wrongly convicted: The Truth Has Ready Him Free: Imagine being convicted of a offense you didn't practise, but to exist fully exonerated by DNA evidence after serving nineteen years in prison? How do yous arrive through? What happens to your family and friends on the exterior? Who continues to fight for you? Dennis was exonerated by Deoxyribonucleic acid testing in 2003, subsequently he was convicted of sexual assault and spent 19 years in prison. In 1983, Dennis was an Army sergeant assigned to and was arrested considering he was wearing a ruby-red hoodie similar to the i worn by the actual perpetrator. His conviction was based on severely flawed bystander identification protocols. One time when asked how he saw his time to come, Dennis said that he would ultimately be exonerated by Deoxyribonucleic acid bear witness, get-go work two months after his release, get married and take children.  Two months later his release Dennis was hired as a diesel mechanic for a local company, cruel in love with and married Melissa and lives with her and their two children, Josh and Aliza. He serves on the Board of Trustees of The New England Innocence Projection.
  • A Drag Queen: Hostess with the Mostess/ We are the Champions: "I'm 37 years sometime and take been a elevate queen for 20 years. In 2018, I was voted Entertainer of the Year by the Nashua Telegraph and in 2019, that name became fifty-fifty bigger when I was asked to host "Elevate Queen Teen Time" at the Nashua Public Library. I expected this opportunity would be a platform for me to be a positive role model to teens, just about a calendar week prior to the event, I became the center of intense controversy, alluring a bully bargain of media attention. I had to speak to two radio shows, TV News stations and 5 newspapers in affair of five days, in club to deflect false claims. But guess what? The library event went off without a hitch and I spent a half hour taking photos with everyone after. Considering of this event and the positive awareness information technology sparked, I at present HOST A RADIO Prove!!!!! My testify is called "Life's A Drag" and information technology'due south every Fri eight-9pm on WSMN 1590 and information technology tin be caught alive on Facebook or downloaded from
    "Outside of my life as Monique, I'grand married to a wonderful man, and this year we adopted our first child. Later on existence disappointed past one mom we received a phone call from the adoption agent to say she had a three year erstwhile boy for us to see. We met him and his Grandma the same week and the remainder is history. 11 months subsequently on April Fools Day, nosotros adopted him. Existence a dad has been the craziest journey I have e'er had. I'm also a salon owner and have endemic my business for 8 years. I'1000 a nerd, gamer, horror fanatic and pug lover!"
  • A Transgender Homo: A Truth Enslaved No More: "I knew from the time I could course words that I was a male child. What I have come up to realize in my ain spiritual awakening is that I possess potent polarities of both the masculine and feminine. I am near comfortable presenting myself as male to the earth. My life has been a metamorphosis from feeling like I don't belong on this earth every bit a child and enduring a alone and painful childhood and adolescence to becoming a stronger adult in the face of existence ostracized, and leading a near lone life after a string of rejection and heartbreak. The biggest obstacle for me every bit an emotionally profound person is overcoming a fearfulness of investing emotionally in relationships and only taking a jump of organized religion. I take such gratitude to the Universe for what I am existence shown, how I am being guided, and for the opportunities to imprint a office of my Being on the lives of those who seek to know me. I would like to share with people my story of awakening in hopes that information technology will inspire a belief that y'all are who y'all are, that no one and zilch tin ascertain you, and that the basis of life is freedom and the purpose of life is joy."
  • An Entrepreneur and Craft Brewer: Getting craft-y in NoCho: I first fell in dear with arts and crafts beer when I lived in Tampa, FL. After long nights working in hospitality we couldn't go to a bar because everything was closed by then. Then a adept friend and I would collect actually good beer and share them every bit well every bit the trials and tribulations of the day. It felt great to take a drink and get lost in great conversation. It also helped that we lived in Tampa, FL that had an explosion of fantabulous beer. Afterward moving with my wife to Chelmsford, and gaining expertise working in popular surface area restaurants, I felt a want to focus solely on helping people savour the experience of being at the bar. When I was approached to begin a local craft beer and liquor shop in Vinal Foursquare I I wasn't nearly to pass up. Liquor, beer, and wine can be very simple, very artistic, or anywhere in between. In that location is an abundance to explore and it'south only getting better. This is the journeying I want to take the willing on. Cocktails tin make conversation much easier and more fruitful. We all know information technology tin can make parties and entertaining more than exciting. I would be a fool to plow a blind eye to the negative sides. Merely I strongly believe that through education information technology becomes less about becoming intoxicated and more nearly appreciating what someone has created and is proud of.
  • A Gun Owner
  • A Muslim person:

    Sumaira Afzal is currently servingu as a fellow member of Lath of Directors in an Islamic relief organization, and National Coordinator of  personal growth and development Dept. at a non profit Islamic organization. In the by she has served in HHRD board of directors, Outreach dept., Online Plant,national coordinator of children'southward organization. She is actively conducting local and online Quran classes for Sisters and Youth, interfaith programs at libraries and churches, and premarital counseling for young couples. She is Sunday school program coordinator and caput instructor. She holds Bachelors degree from Islamic republic of pakistan in Biology and Diploma in reckoner science.  She has completed 10 Years of avant-garde Islamic studies from online Islamic institute of women based in Houston. Currently she is enrolled in Masters  plan  in Islamic studies at IOU.  She loves teaching ,reading and gardening.

Visit the Homo Library Organization'south website to learn more about the project.

The goal of the Human Library is to challenge bigotry and prejudice by allowing our community to learn most the life experiences of those around them, encouraging a culture of diversity.

If you lot'd like to be a Book, sign upwards to share your story!


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